Class ResourceLoader

  • public class ResourceLoader
    extends Object
    ResourceLoader lets you dynamically include external scripts and styles on the page and lets you know when the resource has been loaded. You can also preload resources, allowing them to get cached by the browser without being evaluated. This enables downloading multiple resources at once while still controlling in which order e.g. scripts are executed.
    Vaadin Ltd
    • Constructor Detail

      • ResourceLoader

        protected ResourceLoader()
        Creates a new resource loader. You should generally not create you own resource loader, but instead use get() to get an instance.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static ResourceLoader get()
        Returns the default ResourceLoader
        the default ResourceLoader
      • loadScript

        public void loadScript​(String scriptUrl,
                               ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener resourceLoadListener)
        Load a script and notify a listener when the script is loaded. Calling this method when the script is currently loading or already loaded doesn't cause the script to be loaded again, but the listener will still be notified when appropriate.
        scriptUrl - the url of the script to load
        resourceLoadListener - the listener that will get notified when the script is loaded
      • loadScript

        public void loadScript​(String scriptUrl,
                               ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener resourceLoadListener,
                               boolean async)
        Load a script and notify a listener when the script is loaded. Calling this method when the script is currently loading or already loaded doesn't cause the script to be loaded again, but the listener will still be notified when appropriate.
        scriptUrl - url of script to load
        resourceLoadListener - listener to notify when script is loaded
        async - What mode the script.async attribute should be set to
      • supportsInOrderScriptExecution

        public static boolean supportsInOrderScriptExecution()
        The current browser supports script.async='false' for maintaining execution order for dynamically-added scripts.
        Browser supports script.async='false'
      • preloadResource

        public void preloadResource​(String url,
                                    ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener resourceLoadListener)
        Download a resource and notify a listener when the resource is loaded without attempting to interpret the resource. When a resource has been preloaded, it will be present in the browser's cache (provided the HTTP headers allow caching), making a subsequent load operation complete without having to wait for the resource to be downloaded again. Calling this method when the resource is currently loading, currently preloading, already preloaded or already loaded doesn't cause the resource to be preloaded again, but the listener will still be notified when appropriate.
        url - the url of the resource to preload
        resourceLoadListener - the listener that will get notified when the resource is preloaded
      • addOnloadHandler

        public static void addOnloadHandler​( element,
                                            ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener listener,
                                            ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadEvent event)
        Adds an onload listener to the given element, which should be a link or a script tag. The listener is called whenever loading is complete or an error occurred.
        element - the element to attach a listener to
        listener - the listener to call
        event - the event passed to the listener
      • loadStylesheet

        public void loadStylesheet​(String stylesheetUrl,
                                   ResourceLoader.ResourceLoadListener resourceLoadListener)
        Load a stylesheet and notify a listener when the stylesheet is loaded. Calling this method when the stylesheet is currently loading or already loaded doesn't cause the stylesheet to be loaded again, but the listener will still be notified when appropriate.
        stylesheetUrl - the url of the stylesheet to load
        resourceLoadListener - the listener that will get notified when the stylesheet is loaded