Class Profiler.Node

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class Profiler.Node
    extends Object
    A hierarchical representation of the time spent running a named block of code.

    Warning! This class is most likely to change in the future and is therefore defined in this class in an internal package instead of Profiler where it might seem more logical.

    • Constructor Detail

      • Node

        public Node​(String name)
        Create a new node with the given name.
        name -
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public String getName()
        Gets the name of the node
        the name of the node
      • enterChild

        public Profiler.Node enterChild​(String name,
                                        double timestamp)
        Creates a new child node or retrieves and existing child and updates its total time and hit count.
        name - the name of the child
        timestamp - the timestamp for when the node is entered
        the child node object
      • getTimeSpent

        public double getTimeSpent()
        Gets the total time spent in this node, including time spent in sub nodes
        the total time spent, in milliseconds
      • getMinTimeSpent

        public double getMinTimeSpent()
        Gets the minimum time spent for one invocation of this node, including time spent in sub nodes
        the time spent for the fastest invocation, in milliseconds
      • getMaxTimeSpent

        public double getMaxTimeSpent()
        Gets the maximum time spent for one invocation of this node, including time spent in sub nodes
        the time spent for the slowest invocation, in milliseconds
      • getCount

        public int getCount()
        Gets the number of times this node has been entered
        the number of times the node has been entered
      • getOwnTime

        public double getOwnTime()
        Gets the total time spent in this node, excluding time spent in sub nodes
        the total time spent, in milliseconds
      • getChildren

        public Collection<Profiler.Node> getChildren()
        Gets the child nodes of this node
        a collection of child nodes
      • getStringRepresentation

        public String getStringRepresentation​(String prefix)
      • leave

        public void leave​(double timestamp)
        timestamp -