Class BrowserInfo

  • public class BrowserInfo
    extends Object
    Class used to query information about web browser. Browser details are detected only once and those are stored in this singleton class.
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static BrowserInfo get()
        Singleton method to get BrowserInfo object.
        instance of BrowserInfo object
      • getCSSClass

        public String getCSSClass()
        Returns a string representing the browser in use, for use in CSS classnames. The classnames will be space separated abbreviations, optionally with a version appended. Abbreviations: Firefox: ff Internet Explorer: ie Safari: sa Opera: op Browsers that CSS-wise behave like each other will get the same abbreviation (this usually depends on the rendering engine). This is quite simple at the moment, more heuristics will be added when needed. Examples: Internet Explorer 6: ".v-ie .v-ie6 .v-ie60", Firefox 3.0.4: ".v-ff .v-ff3 .v-ff30", Opera 9.60: ".v-op .v-op9 .v-op960", Opera 10.10: ".v-op .v-op10 .v-op1010"
      • isIE

        public boolean isIE()
      • isEdge

        public boolean isEdge()
      • isFirefox

        public boolean isFirefox()
      • isSafari

        public boolean isSafari()
      • isIE8

        public boolean isIE8()
      • isIE9

        public boolean isIE9()
      • isIE10

        public boolean isIE10()
      • isIE11

        public boolean isIE11()
      • isChrome

        public boolean isChrome()
      • isGecko

        public boolean isGecko()
      • isWebkit

        public boolean isWebkit()
      • getGeckoVersion

        public float getGeckoVersion()
        Returns the Gecko version if the browser is Gecko based. The Gecko version for Firefox 2 is 1.8 and 1.9 for Firefox 3.
        The Gecko version or -1 if the browser is not Gecko based
      • getWebkitVersion

        public float getWebkitVersion()
        Returns the WebKit version if the browser is WebKit based. The WebKit version returned is the major version e.g., 523.
        The WebKit version or -1 if the browser is not WebKit based
      • getIEVersion

        public float getIEVersion()
      • getOperaVersion

        public float getOperaVersion()
      • isOpera

        public boolean isOpera()
      • isOpera10

        public boolean isOpera10()
      • isOpera11

        public boolean isOpera11()
      • getBrowserString

        public static String getBrowserString()
      • getScreenWidth

        public int getScreenWidth()
      • getScreenHeight

        public int getScreenHeight()
      • isTouchDevice

        public boolean isTouchDevice()
        true if the browser runs on a touch based device.
      • requiresOverflowAutoFix

        public boolean requiresOverflowAutoFix()
        Indicates whether the browser might require juggling to properly update sizes inside elements with overflow: auto.
        true if the browser requires the workaround, otherwise false
      • requiresPositionAbsoluteOverflowAutoFix

        public boolean requiresPositionAbsoluteOverflowAutoFix()
        Indicates whether the browser might require juggling to properly update sizes inside elements with overflow: auto when adjusting absolutely positioned elements.

        See and

        true if the browser requires the workaround, otherwise false
      • isIOS

        public boolean isIOS()
        Checks if the browser is run on iOS
        true if the browser is run on iOS, false otherwise
      • isIOS6

        public boolean isIOS6()
        Checks if the browser is run on iOS 6.
        true if the browser is run on iOS 6, false otherwise
      • isAndroid

        public boolean isAndroid()
        Checks if the browser is run on Android
        true if the browser is run on Android, false otherwise
      • requiresTouchScrollDelegate

        public boolean requiresTouchScrollDelegate()
        Checks if the browser is capable of handling scrolling natively or if a touch scroll helper is needed for scrolling.
        true if browser needs a touch scroll helper, false if the browser can handle scrolling natively
      • isAndroidWithBrokenScrollTop

        public boolean isAndroidWithBrokenScrollTop()
        Tests if this is an Android devices with a broken scrollTop implementation
        true if scrollTop cannot be trusted on this device, false otherwise
      • isAndroid23

        public boolean isAndroid23()
      • getBrowserMajorVersion

        public int getBrowserMajorVersion()
        Returns the browser major version e.g., 3 for Firefox 3.5, 4 for Chrome 4, 8 for Internet Explorer 8.

        Note that Internet Explorer 8 and newer will return the document mode so IE8 rendering as IE7 will return 7.

        The major version of the browser.
      • getBrowserMinorVersion

        public int getBrowserMinorVersion()
        Returns the browser minor version e.g., 5 for Firefox 3.5.
        The minor version of the browser, or -1 if not known/parsed.
        See Also:
      • isBrowserVersionNewerOrEqual

        public boolean isBrowserVersionNewerOrEqual​(int majorVersion,
                                                    int minorVersion)
        Checks if the browser version is newer or equal to the given major+minor version.
        majorVersion - The major version to check for
        minorVersion - The minor version to check for
        true if the browser version is newer or equal to the given version