Package com.vaadin.ui

Class DefaultFieldFactory

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultFieldFactory

        protected DefaultFieldFactory()
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public static DefaultFieldFactory get()
        Singleton method to get an instance of DefaultFieldFactory.
        an instance of DefaultFieldFactory
      • createField

        public Field<?> createField​(Item item,
                                    Object propertyId,
                                    Component uiContext)
        Description copied from interface: FormFieldFactory
        Creates a field based on the item, property id and the component (most commonly Form) where the Field will be presented.
        Specified by:
        createField in interface FormFieldFactory
        item - the item where the property belongs to.
        propertyId - the Id of the property.
        uiContext - the component where the field is presented, most commonly this is Form. uiContext will not necessary be the parent component of the field, but the one that is responsible for creating it.
        the field suitable for editing the specified data.
      • createField

        public Field createField​(Container container,
                                 Object itemId,
                                 Object propertyId,
                                 Component uiContext)
        Description copied from interface: TableFieldFactory
        Creates a field based on the Container, item id, property id and the component responsible for displaying the field (most commonly Table).
        Specified by:
        createField in interface TableFieldFactory
        container - the Container where the property belongs to.
        itemId - the item Id.
        propertyId - the Id of the property.
        uiContext - the component where the field is presented.
        A field suitable for editing the specified data or null if the property should not be editable.
      • createCaptionByPropertyId

        public static String createCaptionByPropertyId​(Object propertyId)
        If name follows method naming conventions, convert the name to spaced upper case text. For example, convert "firstName" to "First Name"
        propertyId -
        the formatted caption string
      • createFieldByPropertyType

        public static Field<?> createFieldByPropertyType​(Class<?> type)
        Creates fields based on the property type.

        The default field type is TextField. Other field types generated by this method:

        Boolean: CheckBox.
        Date: DateField(resolution: day).
        Item: Form.
        default field type: TextField.

        type - the type of the property
        the most suitable generic Field for given type