Class ErrorEvent

    • Constructor Detail

      • ErrorEvent

        public ErrorEvent​(Throwable t)
    • Method Detail

      • getThrowable

        public Throwable getThrowable()
        Gets the contained throwable, the cause of the error.
      • setThrowable

        public void setThrowable​(Throwable throwable)
      • findErrorHandler

        public static ErrorHandler findErrorHandler​(ClientConnector connector)
        Method for finding the error handler for the given connector. Uses connector hierarchy to find a connector with an error handler. Falls back to the VaadinSession error handler if no connector has specified an error handler.

        Returns a DefaultErrorHandler if no error handler was found

        connector - The target connector
        An ErrorHandler for the connector
      • findErrorHandler

        public static ErrorHandler findErrorHandler​(VaadinSession session)
        Method for finding the error handler for the given session.
        connector - The target connector
        An ErrorHandler for the session or null if none was found