Class DefaultErrorHandler

    • Constructor Detail

      • DefaultErrorHandler

        public DefaultErrorHandler()
    • Method Detail

      • error

        public void error​(ErrorEvent event)
        Description copied from interface: ErrorHandler
        Invoked when an error occurs.
        Specified by:
        error in interface ErrorHandler
        event - the fired event.
      • doDefault

        public static void doDefault​(ErrorEvent event)
      • findRelevantThrowable

        public static Throwable findRelevantThrowable​(Throwable t)
        Vaadin wraps exceptions in its own and due to reflection usage there might be also other irrelevant exceptions that make no sense for Vaadin users (~developers using Vaadin). This method tries to choose the relevant one to be reported.
        t - a throwable passed to ErrorHandler
        the throwable that is relevant for Vaadin users
      • findAbstractComponent

        public static AbstractComponent findAbstractComponent​(ErrorEvent event)
        Returns the AbstractComponent associated with the given error if such can be found
        event - The error to investigate
        The AbstractComponent to error relates to or null if could not be determined or if the error does not relate to any AbstractComponent.
      • findComponent

        public static Component findComponent​(Connector connector)
        Finds the nearest component by traversing upwards in the hierarchy. If connector is a Component, that Component is returned. Otherwise, looks upwards in the hierarchy until it finds a Component.
        A Component or null if no component was found