Class LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    Enclosing interface:

    public static class LayoutEvents.LayoutClickEvent
    extends MouseEvents.ClickEvent
    An event fired when the layout has been clicked. The event contains information about the target layout (component) and the child component that was clicked. If no child component was found it is set to null.
    See Also:
    Serialized Form
    • Method Detail

      • getClickedComponent

        public Component getClickedComponent()
        Returns the component that was clicked, which is somewhere inside the parent layout on which the listener was registered. For the direct child component of the layout, see getChildComponent().
        clicked Component, null if none found
      • getChildComponent

        public Component getChildComponent()
        Returns the direct child component of the layout which contains the clicked component. For the clicked component inside that child component of the layout, see getClickedComponent().
        direct child Component of the layout which contains the clicked Component, null if none found