Class BeanItem<BT>

    • Constructor Detail

      • BeanItem

        public BeanItem​(BT bean)

        Creates a new instance of BeanItem and adds all properties of a Java Bean to it. The properties are identified by their respective bean names.

        Note : This version only supports introspectable bean properties and their getter and setter methods. Stand-alone is and are methods are not supported.

        bean - the Java Bean to copy properties from.
      • BeanItem

        public BeanItem​(BT bean,
                        Class<BT> beanClass)

        Creates a new instance of BeanItem and adds all properties of a Java Bean to it. The properties are identified by their respective bean names.

        Note : This version only supports introspectable bean properties and their getter and setter methods. Stand-alone is and are methods are not supported.

        bean - the Java Bean to copy properties from.
        beanClass - class of the bean
      • BeanItem

        public BeanItem​(BT bean,
                        Collection<?> propertyIds)

        Creates a new instance of BeanItem and adds all listed properties of a Java Bean to it - in specified order. The properties are identified by their respective bean names.

        Note : This version only supports introspectable bean properties and their getter and setter methods. Stand-alone is and are methods are not supported.

        bean - the Java Bean to copy properties from.
        propertyIds - id of the property.
      • BeanItem

        public BeanItem​(BT bean,
                        String... propertyIds)

        Creates a new instance of BeanItem and adds all listed properties of a Java Bean to it - in specified order. The properties are identified by their respective bean names.

        Note : This version only supports introspectable bean properties and their getter and setter methods. Stand-alone is and are methods are not supported.

        bean - the Java Bean to copy properties from.
        propertyIds - ids of the properties.
    • Method Detail

      • expandProperty

        public void expandProperty​(String propertyId,
                                   String... subPropertyIds)
        Expands nested bean properties by replacing a top-level property with some or all of its sub-properties. The expansion is not recursive.
        propertyId - property id for the property whose sub-properties are to be expanded,
        subPropertyIds - sub-properties to expand, all sub-properties are expanded if not specified
      • addNestedProperty

        public void addNestedProperty​(String nestedPropertyId)
        Adds a nested property to the item. The property must not exist in the item already and must of form "field1.field2" where field2 is a field in the object referenced to by field1. If an intermediate property returns null, the property will return a null value
        nestedPropertyId - property id to add.
      • getBean

        public BT getBean()
        Gets the underlying JavaBean object.
        the bean object.
      • setBean

        public void setBean​(BT bean)
        Changes the Java Bean this item is based on.

        This will cause any existing properties to be re-mapped to the new bean. Any added custom properties which are not of type MethodProperty or NestedMethodProperty will not be updated to reflect the change of bean.

        Changing the bean will fire value change events for all properties of type MethodProperty or NestedMethodProperty.

        bean - The new bean to use for this item, not null