Class ScrollbarBundle.HorizontalScrollbarBundle

    • Constructor Detail

      • HorizontalScrollbarBundle

        public HorizontalScrollbarBundle()
    • Method Detail

      • setStylePrimaryName

        public void setStylePrimaryName​(String primaryStyleName)
        Description copied from class: ScrollbarBundle
        Sets the primary style name
        setStylePrimaryName in class ScrollbarBundle
        primaryStyleName - The primary style name to use
      • internalSetScrollPos

        protected void internalSetScrollPos​(int px)
        Description copied from class: ScrollbarBundle
        Modifies the element's scroll position (scrollTop or scrollLeft).

        Note: The parameter here is a type of integer (instead of a double) by design. The browsers internally convert all double values into an integer value. To make this fact explicit, this API has chosen to force integers already at this level.

        Specified by:
        internalSetScrollPos in class ScrollbarBundle
        px - integer pixel value to scroll to
      • internalGetScrollPos

        protected int internalGetScrollPos()
        Description copied from class: ScrollbarBundle
        Retrieves the element's scroll position (scrollTop or scrollLeft).

        Note: The parameter here is a type of integer (instead of a double) by design. The browsers internally convert all double values into an integer value. To make this fact explicit, this API has chosen to force integers already at this level.

        Specified by:
        internalGetScrollPos in class ScrollbarBundle
        integer pixel value of the scroll position