Interface EscalatorUpdater

    • Method Detail

      • update

        void update​(Row row,
                    Iterable<FlyweightCell> cellsToUpdate)
        Renders a row contained in a row container.

        Note: If rendering of cells is deferred (e.g. because asynchronous data retrieval), this method is responsible for explicitly displaying some placeholder data (empty content is valid). Because the cells (and rows) in an escalator are recycled, failing to reset a cell's presentation will lead to wrong data being displayed in the escalator.

        For performance reasons, the escalator will never autonomously clear any data in a cell.

        row - Information about the row that is being updated. Note: You should not store nor reuse this reference.
        cellsToUpdate - A collection of cells that need to be updated. Note: You should neither store nor reuse the reference to the iterable, nor to the individual cells.
      • preAttach

        void preAttach​(Row row,
                       Iterable<FlyweightCell> cellsToAttach)
        Called before attaching new cells to the escalator.
        row - Information about the row to which the cells will be added. Note: You should not store nor reuse this reference.
        cellsToAttach - A collection of cells that are about to be attached. Note: You should neither store nor reuse the reference to the iterable, nor to the individual cells.
      • postAttach

        void postAttach​(Row row,
                        Iterable<FlyweightCell> attachedCells)
        Called after attaching new cells to the escalator.
        row - Information about the row to which the cells were added. Note: You should not store nor reuse this reference.
        attachedCells - A collection of cells that were attached. Note: You should neither store nor reuse the reference to the iterable, nor to the individual cells.
      • preDetach

        void preDetach​(Row row,
                       Iterable<FlyweightCell> cellsToDetach)
        Called before detaching cells from the escalator.
        row - Information about the row from which the cells will be removed. Note: You should not store nor reuse this reference.
        cellsToAttach - A collection of cells that are about to be detached. Note: You should neither store nor reuse the reference to the iterable, nor to the individual cells.
      • postDetach

        void postDetach​(Row row,
                        Iterable<FlyweightCell> detachedCells)
        Called after detaching cells from the escalator.
        row - Information about the row from which the cells were removed. Note: You should not store nor reuse this reference.
        attachedCells - A collection of cells that were detached. Note: You should neither store nor reuse the reference to the iterable, nor to the individual cells.