Vaadin licensing FAQ and troubleshooting

Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about Vaadin licensing.
Vaadin 7/8
Premium CI/CD

How do I use Vaadin Premium with a CI/CD server?

Go to the license management and download your server license key and follow the provided instructions.
Premium CI/CD Offline

How do I use Vaadin Premium with a CI/CD server that is offline?

Go to the license management and download your server license key and follow the provided instructions.
Premium Administration

Why are the daily active users of my application not shown?

First, check if your application is compiled with daily active user tracking enabled. Search for “Daily Active User tracking enabled” log statement (INFO level) in your build logs.

Second, double check you are using the subscription key that matches your subscription. You can find your subscription key in the license management.

Third, make sure that the correct application is deployed.
Trial Premium CI/CD Subscription Offline

I am getting “The provided license key does not allow usage of [...]” error message. What should I do?

This means that you either

  1. did not provide a valid license key during build time,
  2. the product is not part of your subscription or
  3. the license checker could not verify your license for other reasons

First, check if the commercial product is actually part of your subscription.
Second, verify if your API key (proKey) exists or offline key is up to date. In case of CI/CD build verify the server license key is valid.
Sometimes company firewalls block requests to or Either ask your administrator to open the firewall or set up a local Maven repository and use offline keys.

Premium Administration

How do I get informed about issues with my subscription?

Go to the subscription management view and add your email address to the list of “Alert email addresses”. Our customer service team is also always aware of the situation and will contact you in case of incidents.
Premium Administration

I got informed that a grace period started. What to do? Will my application stop working?

First of all: No, your application will not stop working. But the license server noticed that the number of daily active users of your applications exceeded the negotiated limit at least once. The next step is to check your subscription state and prove if this was a one-time event or if the number of daily active users increased over time and finally hit the limit. In case of a one-time event like a sudden peak in users we recommend monitoring the tracking statistics for the next few days.
In the second case we recommend contacting your sales contact or customer support at Vaadin to discuss the situation.

Will end-users be affected by exceeding DAU limits?

Yes but not immediately! This only happens if either we cannot get in contact with you so that we cannot negotiate new limits or if the negotiations failed. In both cases the DAU limit will be enforced after the grace period ends. Your application will still be usable but will block users when the limit is hit.
Premium Administration

What is counted as Daily Active User?

Daily Active User represents a human end-user for one application that you built with Vaadin and run in production mode, during a 24-hour period.

This includes anonymous users or authenticated users but also test users for integration testing if they interact with the application for at least a minute. Just visiting a view and closing the browser will not be counted as DAU.

Check our documentation for instructions on how to optimize your DAU counting.

Premium Administration

Are integration test users also counted as daily active users

Yes and no. We cannot differentiate between bots and human users easily. But you can configure a set of application names to prevent counting users of them.
Subscription Trial

Why do I get a trial message although I have a valid license?

First, check your subscription state and if the license validation works. If not, either your company's license administrator has not yet assigned a seat for you, or the license is no longer valid.

Premium Subscription Administration

What happens to a license if the developer leaves the company?

Account owners or administrators can reassign the seat to someone else in licence management or contact 
Premium CI/CD Subscription Offline

How do Vaadin licenses work?

The licenses for commercial components are checked through your login. The first time you are using a commercial product, it will ask you to log in to to validate your license. You only need to manually install the license key when running on a CI/build server or when you want to work offline.

Premium Subscription Vaadin 7/8 Offline

How do Vaadin licenses work when offline?

Vaadin provides offline license keys that allow development in environments where online access is not possible or disallowed.
Subscription Vaadin 7/8 CI/CD

How do I use Vaadin with CI/CD server?

Go to the license management and download your server license key and follow the provided instructions.
Vaadin 7/8 Subscription

How do Vaadin 6/7/8 licenses work?

Extended Maintenance

When using the latest Extended Maintenance releases the new license checker version is used for the framework product itself. This applies to versions Vaadin 7.7.17 and newer, Vaadin 8.14.3 and newer respectively. Follow the same guidance as described in

Furthermore from version 7.7.37 and respectively 8.20.2 the widgetset compilation phase has been updated to use the new license checker as well. Hence Charts, Spreadsheet, Touchkit or Board will no longer require specific license key. The server / offline key is used instead.

Additionally TestBench version 5.3.0 and newer uses the new license checker.

When using Designer with Vaadin 7 or 8, or TestBench 4 with Vaadin 7 the old product specific keys are used, see the next chapter.

Older versions

Vaadin 6/7/8 license check is done through license keys. Please find your license keys from Click on a license key to obtain the purchased key. Note: a new set of keys will be generated with every subscription renewal.

To install the license key in a development workstation, you can copy and paste it verbatim to a file in your home directory

License for each product has a separate license file as follows:

Vaadin Charts

Vaadin Spreadsheet

Vaadin TestBench

You can also pass the key as a system property to the widget set compiler, usually with a -D option. For example, on the command-line:

java -Dvaadin.<product>.developer.license=L1cen5e-c0de …​

Where can we get help with license related issues?

Please contact  and we can help you further.
Premium Subscription Trial

I am getting “This application is using components which are a part of a Vaadin subscription” error message. What should I do?

Clear Vaadin cookies and try again.

Please make sure that you use the same window.

Adblocker or 3rd party cookie denial could be blocking the license check. However, the error message only appears in development mode when in localhost. When the application is deployed into production and accessed from outside it will not show, thus the message will not visible to the end users of the application.


How do I make sure I don't have any commercial components in my application?

If you want to be certain you're not using anything commercial, then you can change the main dependency to vaadin-core instead of vaadin in your pom.xml or build.gradle file.


Why is GitHub student status not verified?

Please apply again for the student program. If the problem continues, please contact us in the Vaadin Forum channel.
Subscription Vaadin 7/8

I have a perpetual license for Designer 2, but after updating Designer I’m asked for a Pro subscription?

Previously it was possible to either buy a Pro subscription, or purchase a single license for a specific major version of a product. From Vaadin 10 onwards, we have decided to discontinue the single licenses. In order to use Designer after the trial period, a valid Pro subscription is required. Please see
Subscription Vaadin 7/8

Multiplatform runtime SSLHandshakeException

A known error in  SSLHandshakeException (Reported by users of WebSphere Liberty and WildFly in Docker) :

Please also check other known limitations for Multiplatform runtime usage here 

Premium Subscription Administration

How do I assign license for team members?

License can be assigned only by either the company's license owner or administrator.
In case you are a license owner or administrator you can assign licenses to developers in the team management view.

How do I see which Vaadin version the application is using?

Depending on your build tool you either have a

a) pom.xml file (Maven)

Look for a vaadin.version property there. If you can’t find the property, check if there is

  • a vaadin-bom dependency. Its version is the Vaadin version.
  • a vaadin-server dependency. Its version is the Vaadin version.

b) build.gradle file (Gradle)

There is a vaadin { block that has the version number.

c) ivy.xml file (Ivy)

There is something like <!ENTITY vaadin.version "7.6.5"> which shows the version.


Which Vaadin versions are free to use?

Are my applications still working if the Vaadin servers cannot be reached?

Yes, running applications and also application restarts are not affected. The license checking mechanism will continue polling our servers but with increased timeouts.