Vaadin Licensing

Free Core Products

We strongly believe in open source and thus all Vaadin core products are licensed under liberal open source licenses that impose little limitations on use, development or distribution of these products and no limitations to use, development or distribution of applications built with them.

Vaadin Framework

Vaadin Framework is licensed under permissive Apache License, version 2.0., except for the documentation that is licensed under Creative Commons CC-BY-ND 2.0.

This means for example that you may freely download and use Vaadin Framework for commercial, personal and non-commercial purposes. You may also modify the framework, use it as part of your own software and distribute it. Contributions to documentation are allowed and encouraged (just send us a pull request), but forking and re-branding or re-purposing the documentation is forbidden.


Vaadin Framework contains or depends on number of parts that have other open source licenses. The dependencies are chosen so that their licenses do not restrict you when you use Vaadin Framework as a runtime component. Some bundled tools only needed at compilation time have more restrictive Open Source licenses, but they do not affect your project because they only are applicable during the compilation. Our priority is that Vaadin Framework is free to use and distribute for all kinds of applications and purposes.

For a complete list of dependencies and their corresponding licenses, see license.html (latest) included in the distribution zip package or as online copies here: 7.0.x, 7.1.x, 7.2.x, 7.3.x, 7.4.x, 7.5.x, 7.6.x, 7.7.x, 8.0.x and 8.1.x.

Vaadin core components

Vaadin core components are licensed under permissive Apache License, version 2.0..

This means for example that you may freely download and use Vaadin core components for commercial, personal and non-commercial purposes. You may also modify the framework, use it as part of your own software and distribute it.

Other free products

Book of Vaadin (Creative Commons CC-BY-ND 2.0)

Vaadin Plugin for Eclipse (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin Plugin for Netbeans (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin Maven Plugin (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin CDI (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin QuickTickets Dashboard Demo (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin Parking demo (Apache 2.0)

Vaadin Spring (Apache 2.0)

Commercial Pro Products

Commercial tools and components add value on top of Core. We do not believe forcing anyone to purchase by crippling the free offering. Instead our goal is to build so much additional value in our Pro products on top of Core that the most professional software developers will see the time they save and features they can add to their users vastly out weight the cost of the license.

To be fair and base the licensing on value created, Pro products are licensed on per developer basis under Commercial Vaadin Add-on License (CVAL). It means that the people who contribute (commit something to your code repository) to the software developed using a product licensed with CVAL each need a license. There is no license needed for deploying the results or by end users. Furthermore, there are little limitations for distributing (or selling) the results.

Easiest way to get a license is to subscribe to Vaadin Pro or Vaadin Prime subscription - they both include licenses to all products listed below.


Full App Starter for FW8 & Spring ( CVTLv1 )

Full App Starter for FW8 & JavaEE ( CVTLv1 )

Full App Starter for Flow & Spring ( CVTLv1 )

Business App Starter for Flow ( CVTLv1 )

Vaadin Charts

Vaadin Charts 1.x ( CVALv2 )

Vaadin Charts 2.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Charts 3.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Charts 4.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Charts 6.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Charts 7.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Charts 8.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Collaboration Engine

Vaadin Collaboration Engine 1.x ( CVRLv1 )

Vaadin Collaboration Engine 2.x ( CVRLv1 )

Vaadin Collaboration Engine 3.x ( CVRLv1 )

Vaadin Collaboration Engine 4.x ( CVRLv1 )

Vaadin Collaboration Engine 5.x ( CVRLv1 )

Vaadin Spreadsheet

Vaadin Spreadsheet 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Spreadsheet 2.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Designer

Vaadin Designer 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Designer 2.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Designer 3.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin TestBench

Vaadin TestBench 3.x ( CVALv2 )

Vaadin TestBench 4.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin TestBench 5.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin TestBench 6.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin TestBench 7.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Board

Vaadin Board 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Board 2.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Board 3.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Confirm Dialog

Vaadin Confirm Dialog 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Confirm Dialog 2.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Cookie Consent

Vaadin Cookie Consent 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Cookie Consent 2.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin CRUD

Vaadin CRUD 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin CRUD 2.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Grid Pro

Vaadin Grid Pro 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Grid Pro 2.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Grid Pro 3.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin Rich Text Editor

Vaadin Rich Text Editor 1.x ( CVALv3 )

Vaadin Rich Text Editor 2.x ( CVDLv4 )

Vaadin TouchKit

Vaadin TouchKit 3.x ( CVALv2 or AGPL )

Vaadin TouchKit 4.x ( CVALv3 or AGPL )


Commonly asked questions and answers about licenses