Jetty Error 503 running AddressBook tutorial


Like the title says i am facing that issue, and I would like help. :slight_smile:
Platform : Ubuntu
JDK : openjdk version “1.8.0_40-internal”
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_40-internal-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.40-b13, mixed mode)
Maven Build : Successful, but when run (mvn jetty:run) I encounter Error 503 on browser using localhost:8080
Console Error:
Webapp directory = /vaadin/addressbook/target/webapp-tmp
2015-05-14 17:37:32.012:INFO:oejs.Server:main: jetty-9.2.3.v20140905 error in opening zip file
at Method)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(

I have tried unjar the war file and it is successful.
After the maven install, the war file is not in the webapp-tmp folder.
I have also tried copy the war file to webapp-tmp folder and its giving the same error.
I am using the source from github, BTW.

Can anyone give me some pointer pls.


PS: this is what i got under the target folder:
drwxrwxr-x 4 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 addressbook-2.0/
-rw-rw-r-- 1 sam sam 16210349 May 14 17:11 addressbook-2.0.war
drwxrwxr-x 3 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 classes/
drwxrwxr-x 3 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 generated-sources/
drwxrwxr-x 2 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 maven-archiver/
drwxrwxr-x 3 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 maven-status/
drwxrwxr-x 2 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:11 surefire/
drwxrwxr-x 2 sam sam 4096 May 14 17:48 webapp-tmp/

Hi, Updating to maven3 solve the issue.

That should definitely be mentioned in our instructions. I updated my
Maven tutorial
to contain this tip.


Hello, new to Vaadin and started with the addressbook example. I am using Intellij 14.1.3 and followed the instructions to import the project from github. Import worked as expected, and the program builds using maven with no errors. But when I attempt to run the application I am seeing the same/similar/related error as above :
INFO] Webapp directory = /Users/michaelkilgore/IdeaProjects/addressbook/target/webapp-tmp error in opening zip file
at Method)
at java.util.jar.JarFile.(
Intellij is using maven 3. To be sure i have all downloaded maven 3.2.5 and tried that with the same results.

If someone could point me in the right direction that would be great.

Thanks in advance