Vaadin Touchkit and IE9


We are evaluating vaadin touchkit (we want to have native number and date input fields on mobile), and it works great, except, of course, in IE9. When opening the page on IE9 the spinner keeps loading and nothing happens. Apperantly there is no widgetset available (see screenshot), I get a 404 when loading the widgetset.

In /com/vaadin/addon/touchkit/gwt/TouchKitWidgetSet.gwt.xml it says:

Does that mean I can’t use Touchkit when I have to support IE9 (yes I have to)? Is there a workaround? Are we doing something wrong? I could not find any documentation regarding supported browsers. I was assuming touchkit supports the same browsers as vaadin does. It works fine in IE11.

Best Regards

In case anyone has a similar problem. I’m not using touchkit anymore but execute this code on every view enter:

if (!isIE9()) { JavaScript.getCurrent().execute( "$( \".number-field\" ).each(function() { " + //$NON-NLS-1$ " $( this )[0] .type = 'number';" + //$NON-NLS-1$ "});"); //$NON-NLS-1$ } All I have to do is give each text field that I want to become a number field the style number-field. Works surprisingly good so far. Requires JQuery to work.


TouchKit supports Android 3+, iOS 5+, Windows Phone 8+, which basically translates to various versions of WebKit and Internet Explorer 10/11. Anything else is not supported, and you should offer a non-TouchKit based UI for other browsers (i.e. plain Vaadin app).