Touchkit and Apple Home Screen icon

I have a Touchkit UI that works perfectly when accessed using a bookmark. But it won’t load reliably when Apple’s Home Screen feature is used. The home screen icon on the iOS device brings up a blank screen. This happens after the application is changed and redeployed to the server. The iOS device looks for a previous version of the javascript and hangs when it’s no longer available. Re-creating the home screen icon doesn’t help - Apple devices remember the old data.

I’ve tried adding a Vaadin-Refresh comment in the TouchKitServlet but it hasn’t helped:

        getService().addSessionInitListener(event -> event.getSession().addBootstrapListener(new BootstrapListener(){
            private static final long serialVersionUID = 5106409177353379749L;

            public void modifyBootstrapFragment(
                    BootstrapFragmentResponse response) {
                // nothing needed here in this implementation                

            public void modifyBootstrapPage(BootstrapPageResponse response) {       
                // Cretate some special comment code to encourage cache refresh
                Comment refreshCode = new Comment("Vaadin-Refresh", "");

Apple’s Home Screen implementation is the preferred way to go. Using a Safari or Chrome bookmark works, but it doesn’t use full screen - instead displaying the URL and footer bars.

Does anyone know how to force an iOS device to get the current Vaadin javascript every time?

Vaadin 7.4.2, Tomcat 8.0.20. Touchkit 4.0.0

I think that this is very serious issue with home screen and most of the time it’s happen But I don’t why this happening with my iPhone, I followed some technique to find the solution to sort them. And I found [Mac support number]
( for help this is much informative and useful for you, this give a easy way for us.