What does this mean and should I be concern about it?

I am getting the following error message in my log file. I know why it is happening, I am replace the contents in a container with new content.

WARNING: cleanConnectorMap unregistered connector … This should have been done when the connector was detached.

Should I be concerned about these messages, and if so what should I do to resolve it.

Thank you

Can anyone provide any information on this?
Thank you

Hi, is the container one of the core components or a custom one? What about the child components?

The container is a tab container. The child containers are various absolute layouts that are loaded into the tabs. Basicaly to speed things up, I load a place holder into the tab, until the user selects that tab. Once they do so I replace the place holder with the actual contents of the tab. It is in that process where I change the contents of the tab, that I get the warning message.