UIDetachedException after some time

I have been looking over the forums, googling and checking out stackoverflow, but I have not found a solution yet.
I am trying to use server push to update the UI with data fetched asynchronously via a RestFul API calls to a server.
I am using vaadin together with Google’s Gauva library - specifically two features - concurency and eventBus.
It’s all working fine when running in Eclipse’s locally, but once I deploy it on tomcat, after a while I will start getting these UIDetachedExceptions, and they will persisnt - even when starting a new browser.

Basically, I have a ListeningExecutorService initialized and held in the servletContext.
Then my UI class is annotated with @Push(transport = Transport.LONG_POLLING).
I selected long_polling after finding out that our servlet containers will not support websocket, and streaming proved unreliable with IE and FF.

So. My Layouts and components send eventBus events. for example:

​        listButton.addClickListener(new ClickListener()

            private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

            public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event)
                ((RotisserieUI) UI.getCurrent()).getEventBus().post(new ListAllOrganizationsEvent());

Then I basically have presenter classes subscribed to the events. When an evant is intercepted, the presenter will submit a Callable to the executorService (again, one, held by the servletContext - and referenced by the presenter super).
Callable will feed a ListenableFuture. The callable makes the restful api call to the server, and returns a json object.
And a FutureCallback will be added to the future, and when the call returns it will update the UI by callind UI.getCurrent().access and calling a method that updates the UI.


public synchronized void listAllOrganizations(ListOrganizationsEvent event)
ListenableFuture<List> allOrganizationsFuture = executor.submit(new Callable<List>()

        public List<SearchOrganizationResultJson> call() throws Exception
            ItemListJson organizationSearchResultsJson = ApiCaller.listOrganizations(((RotisserieUI) UI.getCurrent()).getAuthenticationHander()
            List<SearchOrganizationResultJson> organizationSearchResultList = (List<SearchOrganizationResultJson>) organizationSearchResultsJson.getItems();
            Collections.sort(organizationSearchResultList, new Comparator<SearchOrganizationResultJson>()

                public int compare(SearchOrganizationResultJson o1, SearchOrganizationResultJson o2)
                    if (o1.getOrgId() > o2.getOrgId())
                        return 1;
                    return -1;
            return organizationSearchResultList;
    Futures.addCallback(allOrganizationsFuture, new FutureCallback<List<SearchOrganizationResultJson>>()

        public void onSuccess(final List<SearchOrganizationResultJson> result)
            UI.getCurrent().access(new Runnable()

                public void run()


        public void onFailure(final Throwable t)
            UI.getCurrent().access(new Runnable()

                public void run()
                    MessageHandler.handleException((Exception) t, "Did not find organizations!", "", false);
                    view.onOrganizationSearchSuccess(new ArrayList<SearchOrganizationResultJson>());


[/code]So this is the basic pattern.
As I said, it works. But say, after 30 minutes or so, I start getting UIDetachedException, and even starting fresh on a new browser still gets these. I thought the session and UI are recreated in that case. But obviously the push still goes a non existing UI.
I have no idea what causes the detach, and I don’t know how to make new session updates go to the correct UI.
I really hope someone can help here.

Hi Everyone,
I have the same problem even after I set “VaadinSession.getCurrent().getSession().setMaxInactiveInterval(-1);”. Does Vaadin people have any solution or any update on this? Is this a Vaadin System bug? Web seaches all point to the same anwser someone made a year ago. I hope Vaadin can provide better info. This problem makes my web application not reliable . If no solution, I have to give up on Vaadin. Thanks.

For me, BTW, the issue has disappeared after some fiddling. I am not sure how by now, it was a while ago.
I did replace the ListeningExcecutorService with a regular executoerService, and switched the callbacks with guava events and methods listening on the eventBus.
I also took some other steps to better control my threads, for example making sure calls to the UI from within the threads are locking the UI.