Vaadin 7 via Maven

Hi guys,

Im planning to re-write my previous project from v6 to v7. After creating a project via maven using Netbeans 8.0.2 it generates 3 project files, they are: Production, UI & Widgetset. I already have done one project in v7 and I have not encountered these scenario, and Im quite lost right now about the generated files via maven.

can anyone explain why there are three files?

Just as an explanation what you see:
This is a multi module project template you selected.
This is explained in
For me it’s a good way to structure the project in master, background, ui and widgetset.
But this is not really needed in Vaadin 7; if you prefer the single project approach, there are also vaadin 7 templates.
I hope this explains it a little.

Thank you for providing me the link to the blog post…