Liferay + Vaadin Table resizing error

I am using a Vaadin based application, in Liferay environment.
if I try to resize column width (or click on column header) of a table it only increases, I cannot make columns smaller.

Note: I even recompiled vaadin widgetset using vaadin-control-panel-for-liferay but it didn’t work.
Jars used for recompilation

  1. vaadin 6.7.0
  2. gwt-dev.jar , gwt-user.jar (2.3.0)
  3. validation-api-1.0.0.GA.jar, validation-api-1.0.0.GA-sources.jar

I have the following configuration:

  1. Vaadin 6.7.0
  2. Liferay -6.0.6 CE on tomcat-6.0.29
  3. Browser IE7 and Firefox 8

Experiencing the same issue here, but I’m not even using Liferay, seems like something that can be fixed playing around with the component (Table) configuration, but I haven’t find the correct one yet, does anybody have a workaround for this?

Vaading version: 6.7.3
Browsers: Firefox 3.6.24 (Ubuntu), Chrome 16.0.912.75

Well, seems that it was just an incorrect Theme version issue:
just make sure you have the correct version on your theme files (replace old ones with the included on the new jar).
Adding the “?debug” parameter on the URL warns you if you have this “versioning” problem.