Clarifications on widgetsets compiling

Hello everyone,

I’m new to the Vaadin environment so please bear with me…
I am trying to use an add-on using a basic project configuration.
Eclipse and Vaadin plugin give me, in a new project creation, ivy as default dependency manager, so I added my dependency to the ivy.xml file as follows:

[font=courier new]

<dependency org="org.vaadin.addons" name="aceeditor" rev="0.8.13" /

I then created a new vaadin composite using plain Java and AceEditor libraries were correctly retrieved since I could wrote the code to add the editor.

The issue comes when I try to compile the widgetset: all I get inside the section is

<inherits name="com.vaadin.DefaultWidgetSet" />

Without any other widgetset inherited. Also, I enabled the verbose widgetset compilation but the console stays blank…

The result on my page is “Widgetset does not contain implementation for org.vaadin.aceeditor.AceEditor”…

Am I missing something? I tried to follow the guide the previous error points me to but I can’t find anything other than what I’ve done, and it seems on the web everyone uses maven…

Thanks in advance for anything you can tell me to go to the right solution!


It turns out that vaadin was looking for “java” on the wrong path (seen from the logs as follows)

!ENTRY com.vaadin.integration.eclipse 4 0 2015-01-21 09:15:09.778 !MESSAGE Compiling widgetset resulted in an IOException. This may result from termination of widgetset compilation. !STACK 0 Cannot run program "/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0-openjdk-1.8.0/bin/java" I don’t understand why, since this configuration always correctly compiled / ran my java projects for more than a year.

Anyway playing with the JRE directory at last made me compile the widgetset correctly. (in my environment the actual path


I hope this can help others too, if you want to close the thread you can do it, I’m sorry I bothered you with this not vaadin related problem!