Netbeans 8.0.2 : Vaadin project is made up of different projects - Confusio

Hi All,

I tried to create a new Vaadin project in NetBeans 8.0.2 using the new Vaadin plugin.
I noticed that the project created is made up of different parts : parent,production,ui, widgset
So, I am just a little bit confused.
What’s the right way to develop my application with these different projects ?
I mean, where do I have to put my code ?
I think in project ui.
I have a Vaadin project created with the previous Vaadin plugin and in this case I have just a project and not 4.
Any suggestion ?


There should be a readme file that got genreated that explains the different modules.

i would appreciate a short tutorial as to get used to vaadin suggested programming model…

If the project you generated was based on the new archetype, you can get some more info here:

There’s a very short tutorial posted here:, but unfortunately we don’t really have any tutorials or best practices posted anywhere for building actual applications. You may want to take a look at the source code for the Dashboard demo to get an idea of how a slightly larger application with navigation, login etc is structured and tested

Hi all,
When I run project Vaadin Dashboard - Demo:
How to fix erro?
Thanks all!

Hi Marcus,
Can you help me ?
When I run project Vaadin Dashboard - Demo:
How to fix erro?