Help With Grails Plugin


Could someone help me with the grails plugin. When I run grails install-plugin vaadin I get the following output:

Welcome to Grails 1.1.1 -
Licensed under Apache Standard License 2.0
Grails home is set to: /Users/eric/Library/grailsVaadin1/grails-1.1.1

Base Directory: /Users/eric/Library/grailsVaadin1/grails-1.1.1/projects/hello-vaadin
Running script /Users/eric/Library/grailsVaadin1/grails-1.1.1/scripts/InstallPlugin.groovy
Environment set to development
Reading remote plugin list …
Reading remote plugin list …
Latest release information is not available for plugin ‘vaadin’, specify concrete release to install

I’d really love to try out this plugin. Thanks!

So I guessed how to get the plugin. I looked up how to get the list of plugins and then ran grails install-plugin vaadin 1.0. Posting this in case any other newbies have had problems grabbin the plugin. BTW, using the grails plugin looks SWEET!

So, I’m guessing with Vaadin that each Application is also the controller. How do I have multiple controllers/apps with the VaadinConfig file:

vaadin {
productionMode = false
applicationClass = “com.vaadintest.HelloVaadinApplication”

When I plugged Vaadin into tomcat/servlets I was able to point to Application and then, if I remmeber right, was able to use the path as parameters to get to the actual application I wanted. I’m hoping I can do something similar with the grails plugin. Maybe there is a better way to access multiple applications/controllers with Grails/Vaadin. I can hack my own factory of applications based on the path or hack with reflection to go to a given method but I’d hate to do that. Thanks!

how can we access grails controllers from the browser?