Maven: import "../reindeer/legacy-styles.css" to custom theme


I am migrating vaadin project to maven from ant. My previous “my_custom_theme.scss” file has
@import ‘…/reindeer/legacy-styles.css’;” line. After i migrated project to maven, i tried “mvn clean install package” command to create .war file.
And this error showed up,

Exception in thread “main” com.vaadin.sass.internal.parser.ParseException: CSS imports can only be used at the top level, not as nested imports. Within style rules, use SCSS imports.

After comment out “@import ‘…/reindeer/legacy-styles.css’;” line .war file is created without any error, but projects style looks very bad.

Then, i opened localhost:8080/myProject/VAADIN/themes/reindeer/legacy-styles.css , copied into legacy-styles.scss file and imported my_custom_themes.scss files as “@import ‘legacy-styles.css’;”. After runned “mvn clean install package” command, nothing is changed.

What should i do to bring back my custom style ?