Accordian problem

I have some problem using vaadin that I am unable to proper setting for the our application skeleton actually I want to main window then in this left side there is a accordion at it contain list of tree and every node of the tree is associated with different table when we click on the tree node then its corrosponding table will shown in the right side of window (I know it there will be a split panel ) so the other side of the split panel there are three accordion tab first accordion tab contain the search item for shown table the middle tab contain the table itself(selected node in tree) and the third is contain the form related to table row I am attaching the screen shot What I want but my problem is that I am unable to link table with tree And how it will work If I multiple table in my application (I have no idea ,I want to make first mock table for it )…please guide me for this application(I think this the problem because of I dont know that How I will I connect a table from tree if table is with in split panel >> accordion >> table) and the main problem how we make multiple table connenting to tree …

what I did In my application I have work as in addressbook application in vaadin tutorial so now it work only first time then not working after two or three click ( not refreshing the records every time when we click on show all)

I think these problem are simple . but its very difficult for me at this time …
please guide me ASAP
thanks to every body …
11126.doc (109 KB)

Just listen to value change events from the tree and programmatically change the state for the rest of the application.