Usability of double and right click in Table and Tree

I want to discuss usability of Vaadin Table and Tree. Now usage of mouse with double click and right click is confusing.

First of all double click in Table and Tree may drop selection if item has been selected. Another problem with double click - it immediately sends click event to server, that leads to missing events if user clicks faster in Tree (probably bug in Tree). Double click in table/tree in most of Desktop/Web UI frameworks does not reset selection if we double click on selected item.

Next problem is selection by right click. We think that right click intuitively should select item if we right click on it and item is not in selection, previous selection in that case whould be reset (like right click in Desktop Explorer / File manager).

I’ve investigated behavior of some popular Desktop/Web UI Frameworks.

C# WinForms

  1. Selection is not reset on double click if item is selected
  2. Selection is set if item is not selected
  3. Selection is not changed if we use right click

Smart GWT

  1. Selection is not reset on double click if item is selected
  2. Selection is set if item is not selected
  3. Selection is set by right click if item is not selected

Java Swing

  1. Selection is not reset on double click if item is selected
  2. Selection is set if item is not selected
  3. Selection is not changed if we use right click

Now we need to implement behavior like Smart GWT in our fork of Vaadin (it is difficult to implement, but we defer sending of click event to server in Tree). How about change of default Vaadin behavior ?

Hello Yuriy, I am also working on a fork of Vaadin and I would like that to change the Tree behavior. Can you share me your solution?

Best Regards =)