Slow SAAS Compilation

My sass compilation went from a mere 9 seconds to a huge 80 seconds when moving from 7.2.3 to 7.3.3.
I am curious whether other people noticed similar increases or if I should look around for other reasons causing this change?

Target -compile-theme-1: finished Mon Nov 10 18:19:11 EST 2014 (8966ms)
Target -compile-theme-1: finished Mon Nov 10 18:10:19 EST 2014 (79721ms)



Correction: the huge increase in compilation time, it turns out, was due to a change in the project build: the project had a very large classpath in use for sass compilation.
That fixed reduced my compile time to just a few seconds.

i faced the same problem put it’s not the classpath what cuzing the dely in my project …
after i scanned the sass file i figur i forget semecolon “;” so the vaadin sass proccessor can’t compile it to css file → “style.css” file .
i hope if vaadin compiler display any thing somthing like error message or Notification or dialog … put not just → Compiling theme yourTheme … please wait…