Client Side Logging not working


i’m trying to debug a client side connector. For this, i’d like to log different computational results to the browser console.
No matter what i try, i can’t get it to work. Here ist what i tried so far:

  • java.util.logging e.g., Logger.getLogger(MyClass.class.getName()).fine(“test”)
  • VConsole.log(“test”)
  • console(“test”) where
    looks like follows

static native void console(String text) /*-{ Console.log(text); }-*/; The widgetset compiles without errors. What am i missing here?
I tried to clean the browser cache. I also checked if the compiled javascript code contains these calls. And in fact it does.
Also i am sure, that the code is called, since 80% of the connector works and at least for these 80% the code must be called.
Has the webbrowser some restrictions?

I haven’t tried the development mode yet.

Ok. Problem solved - i don’t get it though. It seems, that there was somewhere a cached version of the widgetset that was used. And that cached version seems to be several months old, since, after using the right widgetset serialization errors occurred for objects that weren’t touched over months.
So. Somehow, i don’t know how, i cleaned up the cache.

Eventually, i forced an error by renaming the VAADIN/widgetsets folder to VAADIN/widgetset. Maybe this resultet in the cleanup - i dunno.