Call Vaadin UI from Java Web Project

Hi all,

I’m developing a web app using OpenXava framework, and we want to create a “window” for a specific task on Vaadin.

I did some test on a Vaadin project to learn about, and all ok, but now we want to “integrate” with our real model.
My problem is I can’t find how to import Vaadin into an existing non-vaadin project.

I downloaded vaadin all in one zip, and placed jar files as README.txt. Now, under a clean package for my vaadin classes, I created a simple UI, but don’t know exactly how to call now this class from the browser.

My project uses web.xml and I’m going crazy on how to work with vaadin.

As aclaration, we are not Java experts, and relatively new to this world.

Thanks in advance.

Hi, I’m GiuseppeDev’s coworker.
The scenario we have is next:

  1. we have a class ( >

[/b] public class KoVaadinServlet extends VaadinServlet

2. And a UI class (KoTPVUI) >

public class KoTPVUI extends UI {

@VaadinServletConfiguration(productionMode = false, ui = KoTPVUI.class)
public static class Servlet extends VaadinServlet {

protected void init(VaadinRequest request) {

3. We’ve configured the web.xml file to include the next:


KoVaadinServlet /TPV/*

When we load the url http://localhost:8080/koGest/TPV/ we get the next error:

com.vaadin.server.ServiceException: com.vaadin.server.ServiceException: No UIProvider has been added and there is no “UI” init parameter.

Any suggestions??