Vaadin with Guice newbie question

I am sure this is a dumb question, so apologies in advance…
Have followed the Vaadin Guice Integration article, so far so good

class MyServletConfig
{// etc

protected void configureServlets() {

 //               bindConstant().annotatedWith(Names.named("bar")).to("bar");

public class SimpleApp extends Application {
	@Inject protected Foo foo;
	public void init() {
		Window mainWindow = new Window(""+foo);

The above works (window title=“foo”)
But when I try to inject outside of this class (uncommenting the bar binding of course),

public class SimpleApp extends Application {
	@Inject protected Foo foo;
	public void init() {
		Bar bar = new Bar();
		Window mainWindow = new Window(""+foo+" "+bar);

public class Bar
	@Inject @Named("bar") protected String text;
	public String toString()
		return text;

This doesnt work (window title=“foo null”)

Any suggestions
\Dave Mc

(I can’t help, but please use code tags :))

With my limited knowledge of Guice, the problem seems to be in line 2 here:

	public void init() {
		Bar bar = new Bar();
		Window mainWindow = new Window(""+foo+" "+bar);

Because bar is created in-place using constructor, Guice doesn’t have a chance to “kick in” and inject the properties inside Bar-class. This can easily be fixed by injecting also the bar-object using one of various methods that Guice offers.

One possibility:

Make this binding in configureServlets() -method:


And instead of calling the constructor, inject bar into SimpleApp:

public class SimpleApp extends Application {
    protected Bar bar;

    // ... the rest of the code, without bar = new Bar()