Vaadin 7.3.2 portlet - doesn’t load themes in Liferay 6.2

I got a problem with vaadin 7.3 LR 6.2 since I upgrade and use “valo” the styles Are not aply at all even you get only test (see attached picture) were it supouse to be a component (see attached picture) - under tomcat works fine

i follow instructions from

and also try wiith


It works fine If you deploy using MAVEN with The archetype can be found from Maven central with groupId
and artifactId
vaadin-archetype-liferay-portlet -
(see ) also you have to copy the theme in /webapp/ROOT/html/VAADIN
but fails If you generate a WAR using export in eclipse (this method was working fine with vaadin 7-2-6)

The problem is that if you do in that way with the “Maven archetype” doesn’t allow you to run the project over standalone Tomcat - that is much faster to test than deploying to LIferay (using WAR / Eclipse Export - testing over Tomcat was working fine)