browser window size set minimum

Hi, can anyone please tell me how to set a minimum size of browser window so that while resizing, it will not be able to decrease after some limit.
Please help ASAP


most likely browsers will not let you limit the sizing of the window. You can get some control over this if you create the window from JavaScript, but even that is not cross-browser.

Your best bet is probably to set min-width and min-height in the CSS for the body element. This will at least ensure that your UI will not be smaller than this limit.


Thanks Tepi.
The problem is whenever the browser size is decreased, the Layout remains the same and i cannot see the whole content.
Can you tell me that if i fix the positioin of each element in the mainlayout, whenever the browser size is decresed, a scrollbar should come on bottom and on the right side of the browser. how can i do it ?


please try adding the following into your CSS:

.v-generated-body {
    min-width: 1000px;
    overflow: auto;

This works at least for me.


Thanks Tepi but it didnt work.
I am using a cssLayoutas the top most Layout in which every elements exists but the scrollbar is not coming
Please help.


it should work. How did you add the CSS? Please note that if you’re using SCSS theme, this rule needs to be added to the styles.scss directly - not the [yourtheme]
.scss file. This is because we don’t want the prefix from [yourtheme]
. If you still can’t get it to work, please post the relevant parts of your code and css so I can take a closer look.


i did this on body by mistake. it works on