How to customize .v-shadow-window


I have a special sub window that I want to remove all window shadow. But for other subwindow I still want to use the default shadow. However the v-shadow-window is not part of the sub window object style. I cannot set a style name for the v-shadow-window. Which means I either overwrite all v-shadow-window, or do nothing. How am I able to separate them?



Currently this is not possible, I’m afraid.

One partial solution would be to disable the default .v-shadow-window completely (display: none), and add the shadow using CSS box-shadow. This is not supported in many browsers (IE6,7,8 mainly), so it might not be the best solution. You can use IE proprietary filters to mimic a box-shadow (which is actually used for IE6 in Vaadin).


There is a solution!!!

Three days ago, i have a similar problem but now i fixed it.

You have to set a style name for the subwindow.


Window subWindow = new Window();

So and now you can use it with the following style-sheet:


.shadow-less .v-shadow-window {

Now it only removes the shadows for the window withe the style name: shadow-less :wink:

Sometimes a definition in a style sheet didn’t do anything. That’s because it is defined by the object. But you can overwrite it if you set !important after your definition
For example:

.style {
font-size: 20px !important;


Will this really work as the Div that paints the shadow is above the user’s Window. I don’t think this is gonna work. Are there any alternatives to achieve this.
