CKEditor Wrapper: adding CKPlugins

Hello all,

is there anyone who already added CKEditor plugins to the CKEditorWrapper?

I would like to implement table resizing feature.

There is already a method CKEditorConfig#addToExtraPlugins but it is not quite clear where the JS plugin should be put.

Is the table resizing feature a standard ckeditor plugin or something you have written? I believe we build with the FULL ckeditor suite so if it’s a built-in, it should already be there.

Otherwise, not positive, but you may have to rebuild your own since the custom plugin we built (vaadinsave) is located in the ckeditor project’s src\org\vaadin\openesignforms\ckeditor\widgetset\public\ckeditor\plugins

The ‘ckeditor’ folder under the ‘public’ folder is the ckeditor JS code straight from their release zip download, and the plugins folder contains additional plugins. I don’t know of any way to dynamically add them (same for skins).

Thanks for fast response!

Unfortunately “tableresize” is not in the wrapper bundle. It is a separate one. All the dependencies of it are already there.

Is there any way to place the JS plug-in file to be found by the CKEditor without changing the jar-bundle? That would help to keep compatibility with the plug-in development.

Are there any suggestions from the Vaadin addons community on how that might be done? We are open to adding the capability, but we’re not sure how best to do it. And since it’s not a need we have, we don’t have the time to investigate ways to make it happen. It is all open source, though, so not too hard to build for yourself via Eclipse.

Hi there,

I have the same problem now, I wanted to use autogrow and sharedspace but they are not included in the wrapper bundle. Is there any news on this subject?


Hi it’s me again,

I managed to add the modules after I read the README file… Nice!

  1. Download the latest ZIP file from We include the Full Editor version.
  2. Unzip/extract the contents – you should have a ‘ckeditor’ folder.
  3. Copy the ‘ckeditor’ folder to src/org/vaadin/openesignforms/ckeditor/widgetset/public.
  4. If you want to use the Vaadin Save button plugin, copy ckeditor/plugins/vaadinsave
    to src/org/vaadin/openesignforms/ckeditor/widgetset/public/ckeditor/plugins.
    This is already done in the released CKEditor code.
  5. Recompile the widgetset.

I have this error when installing the control using IVY.

Some help


Did you recompile the widgetsets?

Yes, I’ve recompiled the code, the strange is that it talks about the Vaadin 6 connector when I’m using version 7

Well, thie addon was written initially for Vaadin 6 and uses the legacy connectors in Vaadin 7.

We just did a debug run on the demo system and do not see what you see:

We get the debug message “Passing UIDL to Vaadin 6 style connectors” but we don’t see that “Server sent Vaadin 6 style updates for UnknownComponentConnector” like you have. But the top error message certainly suggests that widgetset compilation didn’t take place or perhaps failed. Are you sure your runtime us using Vaadin 7.7?

I don’t know if this is related to IVY installs as we don’t use IVY ourselves for the plugin.

Any updates on how to do this with Vaadin 8 using Maven and ckeditor 0.1.1?