Vaadin url-mapping static content & spring security filters


Currently testing deploying
, using mod_proxy with apache as frontend.

Having some problems serving static content and determine which vaadin requests I want to pass through security filters.

Demo of application at

Current situation, want to set the vaadin application to context root “/”.

Have static images

Have a image/rss web service serving dynamic content.




		<param-value>classpath*:META-INF/cia-application-context-service.xml classpath*:META-INF/cia-application-context-web-actionhandlers.xml classpath*:META-INF/cia-application-context-web-viewfactories.xml classpath*:META-INF/cia-application-context-web-security.xml classpath*:META-INF/sessionFactory.xml</param-value>





	<http auto-config='true'>
		<intercept-url pattern="/images/**" filters="none"/>
		<intercept-url pattern="/cia/**" filters="none" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/VAADIN/**" filters="none" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/UIDL/**" filters="none" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/cia/VAADIN/**" filters="none" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/cia/UIDL/**" filters="none" />				
		<intercept-url pattern="/cia/VAADIN/**" filters="none" />		
    	<intercept-url pattern="/*" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" /> 
		<intercept-url pattern="/cia/UIDL/**" filters="none" /> 	
    	<intercept-url pattern="/cia/*" access="IS_AUTHENTICATED_ANONYMOUSLY" />
		<intercept-url pattern="/images/**" filters="none"/>
		<intercept-url pattern="/UIDL/**" filters="none" /> 	
  	<http auto-config='true'>            
        <intercept-url pattern="/*" access="ROLE_ANONYMOUS" />                
        <anonymous username="guest" granted-authority="ROLE_ANONYMOUS"/>        

So any recommendations on the url-pattern for the vaadin application to get it to ignore serving images with context root "" ?

Realised I need security for some of the posts to /UIDL/, but which patterns are action clicks and repaints etc ?

All the best,

Not actually answering your question, but have you tried mod_jk?

You should put the security checks on the vaadin application level - not try to filter UIDL requests.

Thanks, will give it a try later on again.

Normally used mod_jk for deployments before, but switched to use mod_proxy since it’s included in apache.
