Do charts support lazy loading?

Do vaadin7 charts support lazy loading?

I am working on an application where data retrieved from database can be viewed in table format as well as in chart format. In both cases lazy loading is necessary due to the large amount of data.

To achieve this I have implemented LazyQueryContainer, and this works well for table. But when I try to use the same container for chart, it fails and I don’t know why.

Here is may code:

StatsLineQuery.Factory factory = new StatsLineQuery.Factory(columns, selectQuery.toString(), this.getLocale());
final LazyQueryContainer container = new LazyQueryContainer(factory, /* index */null, /* batchSize */50, false);
container.addContainerProperty(Column.DAY.getCaption(), Column.DAY.getType(), null, false, true);
container.addContainerProperty(Column.TOTALMAX.getCaption(), Column.TOTALMAX.getType(), null, false, true);
table.setContainerDataSource(container); // Until this point everything works!!
ContainerDataSeries series = new ContainerDataSeries(container);
Chart chart = new Chart(ChartType.LINE);
Configuration configuration = new Configuration();

Something is wrong with the configuration of the chart. As a result I did not see any exception but nothing appears on screen where the chart should appear.