Valo: $border

Vaadin 7.3.

I use some 3rd party component that is not adjusted to be used togehter with Valo yet.

In order to make the look consistent with Valo, I’m using the settings that are stored in the sass variables.

Now, I have a problem with the border settings.
I try to use $border in order to assign those settings to a specific field component.

border: $border;

However, it doesn’t work, because browser complains about “v-shade”, which shows me that during scss compilation, something goes wrong (I suppose that v-shade should be replaced by something else).

Do I try to do things the wrong way?

You can use the
valo-border() function
to generate borders with any of the color keywords.

border: valo-border($border: 1px solid v-shade);

Cool! Works, thanks.