Defining linear gradients in Vaadin sass themes


What would be the proper syntax to define linear gradients with single line in Vaadin sass themes and especially with Valo theme. Should I define my own browser compatible linear gradient mixin or is there something premade?

Best regards,


The Bourbon mixin library is bundled with Valo, so you can use it’s gradient mixins out-of-the-box. They follow the standard CSS syntax for gradients. For a linear gradient use the following, and add as many color stops as you wish:

@include linear-gradient(to bottom, #fff 0%, #000, 100%); For a Valo specific gradient, use the following mixin (
read the documentation
, sorry for the messed up formatting). All the parameters have default values, so you can just speficy some, all or none of them:

@include valo-gradient($color: #ddd);


Thank you!
