Problem with font in theme based on Valo

Hi. I’m trying to create a theme based on Valo and have problem with showing non-russian symbols or vice versa (seems that problem with non-latin symbols):

Same problem in demo valo-theme:

Can someone describe to me how to replace this font with another?

If I modify this class with another font, will it solve my problem?

.v-app-loading {font: 300 16px/1.55 "Open Sans", sans-serif;}


The bundled Open Sans doesn’t include all possible character sets at the moment. You can change the font for your theme by modifying the $v-font-family variable, and use something else than Open Sans.

$v-font-family: sans-serif;

@import "../valo/valo";


There’s a ticket about making the automatic font loading more adjustable, so that you could change the bundled fonts to your own version of the same font: