TouchKit 2.0 is closing: please test, also the new maven archetype


Vaadin TouchKit 2.0 is about to be released very shortly. At this point I’d like to thank all those who have given their input to testing the totally rewritten version, but I’d also like to encourage new developers to try it out and report found issues. Based on the given feedback we are on the right track.

My suggestion is to start your testing sessions with the brand new Vaadin TouchKit archetype. It will for example deal necessary servlet mappings, extend the correct Application class etc. Archetype is available in maven central already, so it is very easy to start with. Archetype details below:

groupId: com.vaadin
artifactId: vaadin-archetype-touchkit
version: 0.1.1

Some relevant maven targets with this archetype:

mvn gwt:compile (compiles widget set, also bound to package)
mvn jetty:run (runs the web app in jetty with maven jetty plugin)

Another advantage of the new archetype is that it uses latest snapshot from oss sonatype vaadin snapshot repository. Lots of bugs have been fixed (mostly related to theming) since beta1 release so I’d suggest also non-maven testers to test against the later jar file from here:

A 1.0.0 version of the archetype will be released once the TouchKit 2.0.0 is out.
