UIInitHandler not receiving browserDetailsUI parameters from vaadinBootstra

I’m using vaadin 7.2.0 with Liferay 6.2.1 CE (tomcat 7.0.42).

In one of our environments our application crashes and burns in Internet Explorer (11, not exclusively), because although the AJAX request from vaadinBootstrap has all the vaadin parameters (such as theme, v-curdate, etc), they don’t make it through to the server side.
I debugged UIInitHandler and found only these parameters:
(printed them out while overriding VaadinPortlet#handleRequest)

Original request parameters:
    p_p_state = normal;
    p_p_lifecycle = 2;
    p_p_resource_id = v-browserDetails;
    p_p_id = Login_WAR_***_INSTANCE_5kyDPX6cX0Yv;
    p_l_id = 10931;
    p_p_col_count = 1;
    p_p_col_id = column-1;
    v-1403264568180 = ;
    p_p_cacheability = cacheLevelPage;
    p_p_mode = view;
    p_v_l_s_g_id = 0;

Whereas if I open the developer tools in IE and check that I have “Always refresh from server” enabled, all the parameters find their way to the server side (although not consistently, sometimes I still get the failure when enabled):

Original request parameters:
    v-loc = ***;
    p_p_lifecycle = 2;
    p_p_resource_id = v-browserDetails;
    p_p_id = Login_WAR_***_INSTANCE_5kyDPX6cX0Yv;
    p_p_col_count = 1;
    v-dston = true;
    v-sw = 1600;
    v-browserDetails = 1;
    v-dstd = 60;
    p_p_col_id = column-1;
    p_p_state = normal;
    v-wn = v-Login_WAR_***_INSTANCE_5kyDPX6cX0Yv_LAYOUT_10931-0.9471094357871279;
    v-sh = 1000;
    v-cw = 1600;
    p_p_mode = view;
    v-appId = v-Login_WAR_***_INSTANCE_5kyDPX6cX0Yv_LAYOUT_10931;
    p_l_id = 10931;
 !! theme = ***;
    v-rtzo = -120;
    v-ch = 551;
    v-vw = 980;
    v-curdate = 1403265036274;
    v-tzo = -180;
    p_p_cacheability = cacheLevelPage;
    v-1403265036272 = ;
    p_v_l_s_g_id = 0;
    v-vh = 0;

The application fails in the first case, because I get a NPE from UI.getTheme() in my UIs init. Also, vaadinBootstrap gets an Syntax Exception because it is trying to JSON.parse the responseText from the AJAX request which returns an empty string.

When hitting this problem, a refresh fixes the issue and my UI renders.

This is only happening in one of our environments and only in IE. In another server with nearly identical configuration and same versions of our vaadin application deployed the problem doesn’t appear in any browser.

Any ideas on the causes of this behaviour are very appreciated.