Navigation / back buttons... in Liferay Portlet


I’m using vaadin portlet in Liferay.
One portlet can have many pages and i have put buttons in my applications that allow the user to go forward or go backward.
Then i display the good page using an homemade controller.

Is there any way to make my pages displayed regarding to browser back and forward buttons ?
Is there a piece of code for it ?
Is there a good way to develop page changes ?

I have seen the Navigator 7 addon but i don’t know if it works in portlet mode.

Thanks for your help.


It seems that UriFragmentUtility should be the way according to this link :

Did anyone already use it ?

I found this link but when i click on browser back button i’m still redirect to the previous liferay page instead of my last vaadin view as i wanted to.

Anyone already did it ?

OK, i’m close to do it with UriFragmentUtility .

In Liferay it’s also working.

I’m facing a new problem now on it.

I have 2 pages with 2 forms

I’m going from page 1 to page 2 after having validated the page 1 on a button click.
I go back to page 1 with browser history back button.
I fill a field with another value. Then i use my browser history forward button and i go to page 2 without validation of my page 1.

Is there a solution to :

  • either delete history forward capabilities when i change a value in my page
  • or force my page validation before changing

Thanks for your help.

I had a look to request sent to the server when i click on a button and when i use history back or forward.

when I click on a button in my portlet, the post requests ends with “stateb”. When i use the browser history back and forward buttons, the post requests ends with “fragments”.

I catch those requests as ResourceRequest in my portlets. Is there nice way to use those data in handleResourceRequest method in order to manage actions differently when it is a click and when it is an history back ?