GridLayout cell height

Hello again,

so far Vaadin is really interesting, but I run quite frequently into layout-related trouble and judging by the forum posts it seems it’s really a bit tricky.

I have a GridLayout, which in turn contains a HorizontalLayout (currently empty, height set to 120px) and a HorizontalSplitPanel, which is set to full-size (height and width 100%).

What I’d like is to have the HorizontalLayout take 120px and the HorizontalSplitPanel the remaining size.
What I’m getting, though, is a HorizontalLayout, which takes half of the space (and HorizontalSplitPanel, which takes half of the height, too).

Is it possible to have a GridLayout, which has a fixed HorizontalLayout (100% width, 120px height) in col: 0, row: 0 and a HorizontalSplitLayout (remaining width and height) in col: 0, row: 1?

I’ve been fiddling with this for several hours now and I simply can’t get it to work - not even using FireBug. Can someone help me?

Alright… it seems I managed to work around this issue by using BorderLayout ( ). It does exactly what I need: I can have a header and a main area (center). I’d probably be even able to add a footer if I had to.

My question still stands though: is there a way to have those two components so that the first one (header) is fixed (and the cell takes the height of the header-component) and the other one is not in order to grow in size as it becomes needed?

An old post, but: use expand ratio 0 for the first component (with a fixed or undefined size) and 1 for the second in your layout.