New Project failure (Vaadin 7.2.0)


when i try to create a new vaadin 7.2 project in eclipse kepler, it throws the error:

‘IvyDE resolve’ has encountered a problem

Some projects fail to be resolved
Impossible to resolve dependencies of com.example#v7proj;working@GENEIROS
unresolved dependency: org.eclipse.jetty.orbit#org.objectweb.asm;working@GENEIROS: not found
unresolved dependency: org.eclipse.jetty.orbit#javax.annotation;working@GENEIROS: not found
unresolved dependency: org.eclipse.jetty.orbit#javax.mail.glassfish;working@GENEIROS: not found
unresolved dependency: org.eclipse.jetty.orbit#javax.transaction;working@GENEIROS: not found

if i try to create with vaadin 7.1.5 everything runs well…

is there a eclipse plugin missing, or something that has to be added?

any help would be very appreciated…

thank you

Double Post?!/thread/7482681/7499748

Yes, sorry,

deleted the other one…

Does anyone had this problem and solved?

Yes, same thing, ant + ivy don’t work for Vaadin 7.2.2

I have added required dependencies manually to workaround this

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="javax.annotation" 
rev="1.1.0.v201108011116" >
    <artifact name="javax.annotation" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="org.objectweb.asm" 
rev="3.1.0.v200803061910" >
    <artifact name="org.objectweb.asm" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="javax.transaction" 
rev="1.1.1.v201105210645" >
<artifact name="javax.transaction" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="javax.servlet" rev="3.0.0.v201112011016">
    <artifact name="javax.servlet" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="javax.mail.glassfish" 
rev="1.4.1.v201005082020" >
<artifact name="javax.mail.glassfish" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

<dependency org="org.eclipse.jetty.orbit" name="javax.activation" 
rev="1.1.0.v201105071233" >
<artifact name="javax.activation" type="orbit" ext="jar"/>

same problem for me. and i try add the dependencies manually but didn’t work. can anyone help me

In my eclipse besides vaadin, i had to install Eclipse Java Web Developer Tools. Installing this, everything runs as suposed…

but, i have now eclipse luna, not kepler. i think that there was a patch to solve the ivy problem in luna, don’t remember. But install Eclipse Luna, vaadin and Java Web Developer Tools and everything is going to run well…

Wish that this solve your problem…

i have Eclipse Luna for java EE too, but still not working for me.

maybe is the bug

try the solution from here:

1- Open Eclipse > Help > Install New Software
2- In “Work with:” field, enter
3- From the populated list, select Eclipse 4.4.1 Patches for bug 445122 . Click “Next”
4- Let Eclipse perform the needed checks. Click “Next”
5- In “Install Details” screen, click “Next”
Finish the patch installation process and restart Eclipse.

i tried this too.
i tried on NetBeans
i try install on ubunutu 12.04 and Windows 7 but the erros keep going

this is the erros

Some projects fail to be resolved
Impossible to resolve dependencies of com.example#v7proj;working@TI005
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-client-compiled;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-client;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-themes;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-server;7.3.10: not found
Error while resolving dependencies for ivy.xml[nodeploy]
in Portal
requested configuration not found in com.example#v7proj;working@TI005: [ ‘nodeploy’ ]

requested configuration not found in com.example#v7proj;working@TI005: [ ‘nodeploy’ ]

Impossible to resolve dependencies of com.example#v7proj;working@TI005
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-client-compiled;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-client;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-client-compiler;7.3.10: not found
unresolved dependency: com.vaadin#vaadin-themes;7.3.10: not found

I solved the problem it was the firewall blocking the downloads.