How can i use Table in Touchkit Offline mode?

How can i use Table in Touchkit Offline mode?

Simply put, you can’t. The current table widget and its connector are so tightly coupled together that using the widget without a server connection is pretty close to impossible. You’ll probably want to use some kind of a placeholder instead, making the table only accessible while online.

Ok. I found VScrollTable. Can i use VScrollTable? how can i implement?

Sorry for my english and i’m newbie. Thank you.

You won’t be able to make VScrollTable usable in offline mode. Sorry. You’ll have to use something else, e.g. display a message stating that the table is only available when connected to the internet.


In offline mode you are practically doing just normal GWT development. So, to present tabular data in offline mode, instead of Vaadin Table, you should look at various implementations in GWT or some GWT libraries. From core you could use Grid, FlexTable or CellTable.

These are not by default styled like other Vaadin components, but if you master CSS, you should pretty easily be able to style theme like the rest of your app.


Thank you guys for answering the question. I going to test your opinion Matti.

I solved the problems. In my best choice is DataGrid.