CSS layout using 3rd party css?

Hello all,

Would it be possible to setup vaadin application layout using some 3rd party CSS, like
or something laike that? I am bad at web development, I tried using CSS layout, but I just don’t get it. Could anyone give me a quick hint? I tried using CSS layout and adding style from “purecss” to each element but it didn’t work.

Is that posiible at all?, Thanks!

Short answer is no.

The CSS needs to contain the appropriate selectors. E.g. if you go to the Vaadin online book, each component chapter has the CSS. E.g. for tables the list is

So you’ll need, for example “.v-table-body {}” in the CSS with the appropriate definition.

If you can map each component’s syling selectors 1:1 with something else, it’s an easier job than starting from scratch.

Actually let me qualify that last post a bit, with a “No, but kind of” :slight_smile: There may be some HTML selectors that’ll work fine for you.