Vaadin 7.2.0 client side application

Hi everybody,

at the moment I have a hard time creating a pure client side application using Vaadin 7.2.0 and the matching Maven archetype.

What I did so far:

  • used the Touchkit 4.0.0.alpha2 Maven archetype to create a new project
  • created an EntryPoint class
  • inherited from com.vaadin.Vaadin in AppWidgetSet.xml
  • added EntryPoint

Without adding the entryPoint in gwt.xml vaadin:compile runs, with added entryPoint the compiler can not find the given EntryPoint class (double checked the path).

What I want to achieve is a client side application using the Touchkit layout.

Did I use the correct aproach? Unfortunately the documentation is confusing and contratictory and I’m not smart enough to read between the lines.

Any help out there?

Upgraded to Touchkit 4.0.0.alpha3, didn’t change anything.