Nightly builds forthnightly ?

It’s been two weeks since the last nightly build.

Since it’s actually not trivial to compile from the sources (checking out Vaadin6 in eclipse does not yield a compilable setup) I haven’t been able to check whether a purported bug fix actually fixes a bug I reported (Should you care, the checkout does not include the GWT libraries, and I could not figure out how to specify their location – it seemed they are expected to be in the examples, which I also checked out, but could not figure things out in about 15 minutes, so I left it for another day.

It would be nice if nightly builds were available through Maven or Ivy, but unless I’m mistaken only the official ones are there.

(but keep up the excellent work anyway, this is nitpicking)


There have been some problems with the nightly builds lately and now it seems our site is not 100% up-to-date with our development. We are preparing for the next 6.1.0 version which means the nightly builds have been moved to
even though the download page still refers you to I hope we get this fixed soon, until then please use the url above.

If you really want to compile Vaadin yourself, have a look at
. (Vaadin 6.1 uses GWT 1.7.0).

Automatic deployment of the nightly builds to Maven is what has caused the problems with them recently. It should be fixed by now but it will still take some time before the nightly builds will be available from the central Maven repository.

Download-page link is fixed now. Sorry about that.

Thanks for the doc pointer, the fix, and the work on Maven nightlies.