Vaadin + Spring security login form


I am currently trying to set LDAP authentication in my Vaadin, which is using Spring.
The Spring integration with LDAP seems to be very simple, but I don’t know why I only find partial or unclear solutions out there.
If I’m not wrong I need to have a login form such as this one (note form action and field names):[code]

Username: Password: [/code]My question is: How to do this in Vaadin? Making my own JSP? Is there any other way? Or am I totally wrong in the way of how to handle the problem?

Hi Enkara,

if you want you can redirect unauthorized users to a login page using the spring login form.
But you also can login manually with the spring security service and use a vaadin form. But that way you don’t have the auto features of spring security. It’s just how you configure your spring application.

Right now I’m using Spring athentication with a Vaadin form (which I saw in the Vaadin 7 Cookbook), against a database.
But what I am very lost in is how to authenticate against LDAP. I would like to use the power of Spring but if another way will be less problematic I will appreciate any clue to start with (no shiro).

We once implemented a vaadin site with spring security.
I don’t know exactly but in the end you have to login manually and configure a web filter to synchronize spring security with your session. So you do have a little bit less spring magic but a nice interface and can replace either vaadin or spring security :wink:
After you are logged in you have to keep in mind, you don’t have the classic URL scheme. So if you want to control whole areas of your website you may be wrong. You have to secure your methods or check manually this user’s privileges.