Vaadin Eclipse Plugin

Hi there,

it’s always the same. I’m forced to learn new frameworks, I’m trying to use the given tutorials to get a quickstart and a first look at one of those frameworks, and just NOTHING works from scratch. After searching google for a couple of hours now, I’ll hope to find some help here.

In general, I’m trying to follow the steps given in point
2.5.1. Creating the Project
to generate a first Vaadin 7 - project to start playing around with the framework itself. Following the steps, there seems to be one ‘main error’ within my project:

Error while resolving dependencies for ivy.xml[*] in vaadin-test /Users/andre/.ivy2/cache/ (No such file or directory) This error results in 24 other errors regarding missing Vaadin libraries. I’m using OS X 10.9 and the latest stable releases of Eclipse (Kepler) JEE and Ivy (2.3.0). I tried to use maven for setting up a project, but but my knowledge about maven is very rudimentary.

I created a maven project using this line

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=com.vaadin -DarchetypeArtifactId=vaadin-archetype-application -DarchetypeVersion=7.1.14 -DgroupId=k.andre -DartifactId=vaadin-test -Dversion=1.0 -Dpackaging=war in terminal, then imported it to eclipse using the m2e-wizard. Taking a first look at the project tree, everything seems to be OK, but running
mvn package tomcat:run
will result in a list of a couple of errors, for example invalid LOC header (bad signature) parsing some jar-file (VAADIN/themes/mytheme?).

Hope you’ll can help me out here on this one.

For everyone who encounters this problem in the future:

I installed ivy2 using brew. I don’t know whether the rights management of OS X itself caused my problems or if the user owning ivy2 caused it. I fixed it by creating an ‘.ivy2’ folder within my home directory and added write permissions on it for my user account, it works just fine now.