Packaging EAR


Could someone help me please. I use Vaadin 7.2.0 but I think the question is relevant to any version. I deploy the EAR file on Glassfish 4 using Eclipse.
The packaging structure I try to build is:
/WAR file - only contain an empty servlet class annotated with @VaadinServletConfiguration
/ui.jar - jar file where I have UI class and theme
/widgetset.jar - I compile few addons to this jar
What happens is that

  • my theme works fine and all resources from ui.jar are loaded OK
  • my screen initialisation failes with missing xxx.nocache.js file from the widgetset
    I can see that the widgetset.jar is uploaded fine and all widgetset files are correctly created. I tried to put some other resources to the widgetset jar and neither is visible. How can I open resources from a EAR/lib/xxx.jar file to Vaadin?
